処方薬にはさまざまな形態があります –ピル、錠剤、カプセル、液体、粉末、ジェル、クリーム、ローション、軟膏、吸入器、注射剤、および経皮パッチを含みます.薬の形によって、どのように包装されるかが決まります.たとえば、液体は通常、楕円形のボトルで調剤されますが、錠剤は通常、処方ボトル、処方バイアル、または事前にパッケージ化されたブリスターパックで調剤されます.
What are Topical Medications?
These creams, gels, lotions, and ointments are often dispensed in a bottle or glass jar or are pre-packaged in a tube or pump-pack.
Cream versus Ointment: either cosmetic or medicinal,creams and ointments differ mostly in terms of the ratio between oil and water they contain.
Cream consists of equal parts of water and oil. It absorbs into the skin very easily when rubbed in and is ideal for use over a large area. The oil content in a cream helps protect against loss of moisture and is ideal for conditions including rashes, dry skin, allergic reactions, or other skin lesions. Most cosmetic creams come in plastic or glass jars, whereas medicinal creams are often dispensed in tubes for more precise dosing.
ローション: a lotion has only a little (if any) oil and is predominantly water-based. Lotions are ideal for cosmetic use by people with oily or acne-prone skin. Lotions may also contain some alcohol. The consistency of a lotion is runny compared with cream, and it is more like a thick liquid. It is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue and is often labeled as being “lightweight” or “oil-free”.
ゲル: a gel is an oil-free product made with a mixture of water, alcohol, and cellulose (which is made of cell walls from plants and vegetable fibers). It hydrates and absorbs rapidly without leaving any residue on the skin at all, and can be drying but does provide a thin film of active ingredient on the skin. Gels do not create a moisture barrier and are ideal for use on hairy areas.